Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The only thing I will post about the debate

Since every channel in the hotel had the debate except the ESPN's. So, in the interest of staying current, I had the tv tuned to the debate and occasionally listened when I wasn't in the bathroom trying to wash off the crap that was coming through the tv. Anyway.... one thing about Barck Obama really struck me. It was his voice. The pitch, the cadence, the inflictions, they all reminded me of someone. The Rock. Seriously. Listen to the Rock when he's not speed talking during his promo's and it's very similar. All of this got me thinking. How awesome would it be if Barack started using some of those catchphrases. Really, what would the reaction have been if he finished the debate going "Do you smell what Barack is cooking?" Even better, if he just started referring to McCain and Palin as "those two jabroni's". I know he'd catch flak for doing that but there is no way anyone could focus on McCain if he Obama went that route.


Anonymous said...

And he is kind of "the people's champ" candidate. Know your role!

Heather said...

I hadn't thought of it before, but now that you mention it, he does sound like The Rock. I think we really should just vote for The Rock instead...

Anonymous said...

Apparently he also thinks he sounds like The Rock:

Tracy said...

Kenan- I just tagged you- check my last post for the rules :O
Can't wait to read yours!