Friday, September 28, 2007

Premiere Update

I watched Big Shots last night. I won't be watching again. It's like they tried to make a version of Desperate Housewives and Sex and the City but with guys...... which is sad because I liked the cast. I just couldn't get into it. I might give it another try but it's going to be one of those instances where I'm just bored.

This story could come right out of a TV show. I'm thinking the marriage is already over.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Season/Series Premieres

Heroes. Good start to the new season. Of course there were no questions answered, just more posed. As a coworker said, they're not good about answering questions, just setting up cliffhangers. The new characters weren't that impressive. The South American brother and sister team is only intriguing in seeing how they get into the US. The girl's powers seem cool but I'm wondering where they go with that. Claire's new friend is just creepy. Kind of stalkerish. I'm personally holding out for Veronica Mars to show up.

Life. New show starring Lt/Cpt/Major Winters from the Band of Brothers mini-series on HBO (if you never caught it, I suggest watching it, amazing series). Looks like a decent series.

Office. Ok, this is the one that I was waiting for. Freaking awesome. Jim and Pam are dating... they try to hide it, but they get busted. Just like Michael does when he's changing in his office and Pam walks in and sees him.... well...... naked from the waist down. Jan is now unemployed and living in Michael's condo and just overall mooching off of him. Dwight kills Angela's favorite cat Sprinkles (Godspeed Sprinkles, we'll miss you) and calls it a mercy killing. I mean really, if you like the Office, you watched the show and you loved it. If you didn't watch it, what were you thinking?

Shows I'm looking forward to premiering:
30 Rock - good show, premiere has Seinfeld has himself.
Big Shots - Ok, maybe I'll watch, maybe I won't but the cast looks pretty impressive
Cavemen - Just making sure you're paying attention. There is no way I am possibly watching this show.

Snacky McSnackAttack

Today is one of those days where I just can't eat enough which is bizarre considering the past week I haven't been that hungry. I think it started with me picking up 5 dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts for the client and of course... I had to have one. But they were hot.... so I had two.... that was it for the morning. Well maybe a Starburst or two but those don’t count. Then off to lunch with the partner and some other co-workers at the Duck and Dumpling. I get back, and immediately go for more Starburst. And of course, there is the siren’s call of the remaining doughnuts….. Snacky McSnackAttack strikes again.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Life without cable

With the departure of my roommate and the full load of all utility expenses on my shoulder I have decided to cut off my cable. I took in the box to their service center this past Saturday. I was thinking that TimeWarner would be slack and take their time in sending a tech out to actually turn it off..... I had previously disconnected service with TimeWarner at an old apartment and they never got around to turning the signal off. I was thinking that would happen again...... Well, I get home yesterday and there is no cable. It's hard to realize how addicted, dependent comforted we are by things in our life until they are no longer there.